Track Title: Where The Blue of Night (Meets The Gold of Day) Album Title: Portrait of Bing Crosby Prime Artist: Bing Crosby (Harry Lillis C.) Written by: Roy Turk Written by: Fred Ahlert Written by: Bing Crosby (Harry Lillis C.) Lyrics: “WHERE THE BLUE OF THE NIGHT (MEETS THE GOLD OF THE DAY) words & Music by Fred.E. Ahlert, Bing Crosby & Roy Turk. Copywright 1931. “Where the blue of the night meets the gold of the day, someone waits for me. And the gold of her hair crowns the blue of her eyes like a halo tenderly. If only I could see her – Oh how happy I would be - Where the blue of the night meets the gold of the day Someone waits for me”