Todd's Irving Berlin Page

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This is really an offshoot of my Ella Fitzgerald Page. After a few odd requests, I decided it would be easy to show a page by composer, so here it is.

Most of these can be found on Irving Berlin Songbook, Vol.1 , Irving Berlin Songbook, Vol.2 or The Complete Songbooks

For a complete 'Sonography', (and even more Berlin lyrics) check out this page. (This used to be elsewhere, but it dropped out of sight. I've re-created it here as it's a very valuable resource.)

The collection has grown, so you can snag all the files on this page (updated 05/05/01) in zip format.

If there's an asterisk (*) after the link, I'm either looking for it or it's on my "to do" list to transcribe.

Look inside this title
Irving Berlin: Anthology - sheet music at
Irving Berlin: Anthology Composed by Irving Berlin. For voice, piano and guitar chords. Format: piano/vocal/chords songbook. With vocal melody, piano accompaniment, lyrics, chord names, guitar chord diagrams, introductory text and black & white photos. Standards and Broadway. 280 pages. 9x12 inches. Published by Hal Leonard. (HL.312493)
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