Track Title: Perdido
Album Title: Duke Ellington Songbook, disc 5
Prime Artist: Ella Fitzgerald
Producer: Norman Granz
Written by: Ervin M. Drake
Written by: Juan Tizol
Written by: Hans J. Lengsfelder
From: 1942
I look for my heart
It's perdido
I lost it way down in Torito
The day the fiesta started
I swayed as they played a Bolero
I kissed 'neath a listing sombrero
And that's when my heart departed
High, was the sun when I held him close
Low, was the moon when we said, "Adios"
My heart ever since is Perdido
I know I must go to Torito
To find what I lost Perdido
High, was the sun when I held him close
Low, was the moon when we said, "Adios"
Goodnight perdido
I lost perdido
trancribed by Todd Peach